Bring your marketing to a new level. Get your interview in the reputed magazines, be a selected feature or even star in the magazine cover! All this is now possible with the international publishing house making a quality advertisement and interesting articles for the readers in over 20 countries.
By booking a magazine cover you significantly increase your exposure. All our magazines have a high audience engagement and liking. By ordering cover you get access to our total audience, including Web, Print+digital magazines, Facebook and Instagram promotions - currently 161 700 people will be reached!
By placing the order you book a space in the magazine and you'll need to provide:
1. At least 6 high-quality pictures to be selected for the cover and cover story.
2. We can publish your article/interview or provide you interview questions.
We cover a lot of topics:
-Fashion Brand promotion
-Personality Interview
-Make Up how to
By ordering, you agree to the terms of the gig. PLEASE CONTACT US BEFORE ORDERING to check all the details.
Seller's Response:
Great work and always a pleasure to do business with!
Seller's Response:
Thank you so much! It's our pleasure :) Very happy you are satisfied with our work!
Seller's Response:
Excellent job! Always happy with the results! Would love to work with again. Highly recommended!!
Seller's Response:
Thank you so much, dear! It is our pleasure!
Nikki is so talented.. She did a marvellous job from beginning to the end by helping us in Draft, Publication, Interview etc. I cannot THANK HER ENOUGH. YOU MADE OUR DAY NIKKI
Publish You On Print Magazine Cover