Monday 25 May 2020

Make Your Insta Story Pop In


We can see how instagram story is booming on the platform.

Now it's all about editing, creating and designing. Everyone wants to share their life in a beautiful way and that's why I'm here. 

How ?

All you have to do is send me your content. By that I mean photos, videos and obviously your goal.

Every day you send me that and I'll do the story.


You have 2 options :

#1 I'll do the editing part and then I'll send you the story's content.

#2 You give me your instagram account so I can post it directly. (of course it's just for me to post your story)

When ?

You give me all the details you want for your time posting. All packages indicate "1 day delivery" because obviously we want a story close to the reality. 

Please contact me if you need more informations, I'm always available for my customers.  


: : : : :

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